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Rosh Kollel

Rabbi Meir Goodman grew up in the Forest Hill Jewish Center, back when it was above the Starbucks. He studied at Yeshivas Bircas HaTorah in the Old City of Jerusalem, received a BA in Jewish History from Yeshiva University, and Rabbinic Ordination from YU’s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS). He was also a member of the prestigious Kollel Elyon for Advanced Talmudic Studies. Rabbi Goodman has served as a Rabbinic Intern at the Forest Hill Jewish Centre and Young Israel of Queens Valley, New York. He is the author of three volumes of Talmudic insights (Sefer Shoshanas HaAmakim on Sukkah, Keitzad HaRegel, and Inyanei Taaroves).


Rabbi Goodman is married to Chaya Sara, a native Torontonian who grew up in the Clanton Park neighbourhood. Together, they are blessed with three children: Avigayil, Chaim Dovi, and Yoel Aryeh. 


Rabbi Goodman can be reached at



Outreach Director

Rabbi Eli Kuhnreich was born in raised in the Bathurst-Lawrence neighbourhood of Toronto. He attended Rabbi Brodksy’s Yeshiva before spending a couple years in Israel learning in the Mir Yeshiva under Rav Asher Arielli. He then learned in Bais Medresh gavoah in Lakewood for short period of time until his marriage to Adina (also a fellow Torontonian) in 2014. They subsequently moved to Jerusalem and have been living there ever since. Before their return to Toronto, Rabbi Kuhnreich was studying Talmud and Halacha in the Mir Yeshiva under the guidance of Rav Yitzchok Caplan and Rav Meir Sommer. He had the opportunity to spearhead charity campaigns and assist in the building of his community’s new shul. Additionally, he worked as a certified personal trainer, utilizing his passion for helping others. Adina worked online while taking care of their three kids, Shaya (7), Yosef (5) and Racheli (3). Together, they’ve planned and coordinated programs and events for young Americans living in Jerusalem.



Tzvi grew up in the Thornhill community.   He attended Yeshiva Darchei Torah under Rabbi Eliezer Breitowitz.  Post high-school, he spent three years learning at Yeshivas Mercaz HaTorah in Jerusalem. Upon his return, he continued his learning at Lander College in Queens, New York while obtaining a Bachelors of Science in Mathematics. Tzvi and his wife Ariella (Weinberg) got married in 2017 and settled in Toronto. Since then, Tzvi has been learning at Kollel Oholei Yom Tov while completing actuary tests. In addition to his daily learning schedule at the Kollel, he also gives rotational lectures to the other members of the Kollel and learns with members of the community. Ariella grew up in Toronto and attended Tiferes Bais Yaakov for high school. Following a year at Michlalah in Jerusalem she earned her BCom at York University and works as an accountant. They have three children, Dovid, Aharon and Chaim Nosson.  Tzvi and Ariella are excited to get to know the FHJC family and learn with and from them.  



Moshe grew up in the Bathurst-Lawrence neighbourhood of Toronto. He attended the Toronto Cheder and Darchei Torah, and has spent most of the past 9 years learning in Mercaz HaTorah and Yeshivas Mir in Israel. Moshe is currently learning in a Kollel in Jersuaelm and teaches 2nd year boys at Mercaz haTorah. He loves connecting with people and journeying together to find the joy and depth of Yiddishkeit. He is looking forward to learning with the Kollel and bonding with community members. Moshe is married to Henya, a native of Riverdale, NY. Henya is a mother and graphic designer. 



Bernie grew up in Baltimore, Maryland. After graduating high school, he learned in Derech Ohr Samayach in Jerusalem for a year and a half, and then went on to Yeshiva University where he continued learning Torah and received a BA in Marketing. Upon graduating from YU, Bernie continued his Torah learning at the Yeshiva of Greater Washington, where he had the privledge to be greatly impacted by the Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky. Bernie has worked and volunteered for multiple Jewish youth and outreach organizations, and is passionate about helping others find their own connection to Torah. Bernie is married to Shoshy, a native of Edmonton, Alberta. Shoshy recently competed her degree in Nursing at Ryerson University and is looking forward to beginning practicing in the field. Bernie and Shoshy are excited to join the Kollel and being a part of the Forest Hill community. 



YY was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He attended Yeshiva Ohr Simcha of Engelwood, NJ for highschool, before learning in the Derech program at Ohr Somayach in Jerusalem. He studied psychology at Touro University while learning in Yeshivas Ohr Yitzchak in Brooklyn, NY. After a few years in Brooklyn, YY moved to the Five Towns where he continued learning in Yeshivas Ohr Meir while working for OHEL as a Job Coach for individuals with developmental disabilities. After marrying Esti, a Queens, NY native, YY and his wife moved back to Israel, where he has been studying in Ohr Somayach’s Ohr LaGolah program while Esti works as a CPA. YY and Esti were recently blessed with a baby girl, Miriam, and they are very excited to start her journey in such a warm and friendly Shul and Kollel. 



R' Aaron Krongold is a native Torontonian. Following his studies at the University of Toronto, he had the tremendous privilege of living for 5 years in the Old City of Jerusalem, learning in Yeshivas Aish HaTorah under the leadership of Rabbi Noach Weinberg. After moving back to Toronto in 2009, R' Krongold was blessed with the opportunity to continue his full-time studies for 12 years at Kollel Ohalei Yom Tov, while simultaneously receiving hands-on tutelage from some of Toronto's greatest Rabbinic leaders and authorities. During this time he has taught at many different Torah institutions throughout the city.  R' Krongold greatly enjoys sharing the timeless lessons of the Torah's wisdom and its down-to-earth relevance. R' Krongold and his amazing wife Rachelli have been the Directors of NCSY Alumni Canada since the summer of 2021, and love all of their students like their own children.

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R' Gavi Wolberg

Gavi grew up in Johannesburg, South Africa. He learnt in Yeshivat Mercaz HaRav in Jerusalem and the Yeshivah Gedolah of Johannesburg before completing a BA in Economics at Yeshiva University in New York. He recently moved to Toronto and is excited to be a part of the Forest Hill Community Kollel.

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